Fake News & Circular Reporting

What You will Learn Today

  • How to evaluate news sources

  • How to identify Fake News

  • Explain the concept of Circular Reporting

  • Discuss how Circular Reporting affects the spread of Fake News

Review Questions:

What makes circular reporting 'circular'?

A. It has neither a beginning or end

B. It is round and symmetrical

C. Sources become validated by themselves in a logical loop

D. It is uniformly consistent in its reporting

Which of the following has NOT directly contributed to an increase of circular reporting?

A. Increased accessibility to the Internet

B. The speed of the news cycle

C. Human Curiosity

D. The ability for anyone to write, edit and publish on the Internet

Why might the anti-vaccer movement be considered a product of circular reporting?

A. It is based on misinformation

B. The body of literature and information supporting the theory can all be traced to one, initial, discredited source

C. As a movement, it has enough momentum to be considered a serious problem

D. Because the media has reported on the anti-vaccine movement

Moving Forward:

Case Studies - What are some ways you can avoid falling for false information, and avoid contributing to the cycle of circular reporting?

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