Parent Involvement
Oak Grove Parent Center Virtual Office
Ms. Lucero
Parent & Community Involvement Specialist
Below is a list of useful resources and information for parents/guardians. These include district-specific and external resources to help inform parents/guardians and students.
Accel Middle College - Students simultaneously attend high school and college (Evergreen Valley College) and receive high school and college credits
ConXion to Community - Services for at-risk youth and their families
Cyber High - Online based curriculum available at each school for credit recovery, remediation and acceleration
East Side Adult Education - Classes for adults that include English as a Second Language, High School Diploma, GED and Career Technical Education pathways
English Language Learners - Special programs available to improve language proficiency of English learners
Foothill Community Health Center - Health services available to everyone
Genesys Works - Bay Area - Internship/workforce development program
Hispanic Foundation of Silicon Valley - College center
MetroED - Career Technical Education for adults
Silicon Valley Education Foundation - Programs & resources to help students in STEM
Social Workers @ each school site
Spartan East Side Promise - San Jose State University guaranteed college admission to ESUHSD students that qualify
Summer Bridge Programs - Each of our high schools offer incoming freshmen an opportunity to get acclimated to their high school campus and earn high school credit via summer school classes
The Parent Center at Oak Grove High School has been established to provide parents with information and the support necessary to be involved in their child’s education and to build a culture of achievement that stretches from school to home. We encourage parent participation in the educational decision making process as we believe in the important role parents play as part of the educational team and community.
It is the goal of Oak Grove High School that students will graduate ready for college and 21st Century Careers. The school is aware that students are more likely to be successful if families and educators are informed and work together. To that end, the school promises to:
Assist parents in understanding academic content and achievement standards and assessments.
Provide parents with materials and training to help them regularly monitor and improve the achievement of their children.
Educate staff, with the assistance of parents, in the value of parent contributions and how to work with parents as equal partners.
Coordinate and integrate parental involvement with other programs and conduct activities that encourage and support parents in more fully participating in the education of their children.
Distribute information related to school and parent programs of upcoming academic and informational events via the school’s website and School Loop platform.
Numerous opportunities are available for parents to become active participants at the school site. Please visit our website for meeting dates and locations. We encourage and welcome you to participate in one or more of the following committees:
English Language Advisory Committee
We encourage parent participation and involvement. Please attend the events listed above or feel free to contact school administration, counselors, or staff at any time if you have concerns or suggestions.