School Site Council
2024-25 SSC Members
School Group Members
Martha Brazil (Principal)
David Brown (Teacher)
Lucero Cesena (Other Staff)
Joseph Frankina (Teacher)
Rebecca Hopkins (Teacher)
Parent and/or Community and Pupil Group Members
S. Casillas (Student)
C. Cortes (Parent)
C. Kraje (Student)
A. Kudsi (Student)
E. Torrez (Parent)
2024-2025 Meeting Dates
The School Site Council meetings for the 2024-2025 school year will be held at 2:30 PM in a hybrid format (in the Administration Conference Room and via Zoom LINK) on the following dates:
September 18
October 16
November 20
January 22 - Cancelled
February 26
March 26
April 16
May 21 (tentative)
SSC Documents
Role of the School Site Council (SSC)
The SSC is required to conduct a comprehensive needs assessment, including an analysis of verifiable state and local data, provide recommendations related to the school’s Title I program, and participate in the development and approval of the school’s SPSA. The SPSA is a strategic plan that outlines specific and measurable goals at the school site with the intention of increasing student achievement. The SPSA should align with the district's Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) process as they both help support continuous cycles of action, reflection, and improvement.
School Site Council Responsibilities
The School Site Council (SSC) is a decision-making body that represents all stakeholders in the school community, including the school administrators, teachers, other school personnel, parents, students and other community members. Specific responsibilities of the SSC are:
Develop and approve the SPSA, including the proposed expenditures of funds.
Recommend the SPSA, including proposed expenditures of funds, to the district's School Board for approval.
Provide ongoing review throughout the school year of the implementation of the strategies/services in the SPSA to ensure the plan is being carried out to address the needs of the school and its students.
Make modifications to the SPSA, if a need arises.
Annually evaluate the progress made toward the school’s goals to increase the academic achievement of all students.
The SPSA must be reviewed and approved by the governing board or body of the LEA at a regularly scheduled meeting whenever there are material changes that affect the academic programs for students.
School Site Council Composition
The SSC in a secondary school shall be composed of the following two groups:
School Group Members:
The principal of the school or their designee;
School personnel employed at the school who are not teachers, selected by school personnel employed at the school who are not teachers; and
Classroom teachers employed at the school, selected by classroom teachers employed at the school. The classroom teachers selected must make up a majority of the school members selected
Parent and/or Community and Pupil Group Members:
Parents of students attending the school, or other members of the school community, selected by parents of students attending the school; and students attending the school, selected by students who are attending the school. The number of parent and/or community members and student members selected shall equal the number of school members selected.
The minimum number of SSC members is a total of 10 (e.g. one principal or his or her designee, one other school personnel, three classroom teachers, and five parent/community and student members).