You are an important part of your child’s education!
All parents have a right to information about District programs, services and activities in their primary language. East Side Union High School District is committed to providing services and staff assistance to ensure every parent has an opportunity to meaningfully participate in their child’s education.
Need In-Person or On-the-Phone Language Assistance?
East Side Union High School District provides in-person or phone interpretation at no cost to assist our families with oral language assistance in their primary languages. We have contracted with Language Lines, Inc., a service with over 4,000 interpreters who speak more than 240 languages, to assist our families by phone. Each site also has site-based interpreters who provide interpretation in Spanish and Vietnamese.
If you require in-person oral language assistance at Oak Grove, speak to, email or call any staff member on campus and ask for in-person language assistance. The staff member will connect you with an available site interpreter. If no site interpreter is available, the staff member will call Language Lines, Inc., to identify an interpreter to assist you by phone.
If you require over-the-phone language assistance, speak to, email or call any staff member on campus and ask for an interpreter by phone. The staff member will call Language Lines, Inc., to identify an interpreter to assist you.
Need Document TranslationAssistance?
East Side Union High School District has contracted with Document Translation Services to assist our families with written language assistance in their primary languages. Some examples of documents that are available for translation include:
registration and enrollment information
student discipline forms
documents pertaining to student behavior, such as Behavior Intervention Plans (BIPs)
Individualized Education Programs, Section 504 Plans
any form that requires parent signatures
If you have a document that you would like translated, please use the following link to upload your document and request translation: Translation Request